Whew chile…

…February drained me.

Y’all, February was the longest, shortest month ever!  February has always felt like it flew by for me, and it was flying by for the first week…then BOOM!

The 2nd weekend in February my children were supposed to go to their father’s house, but he got sick, so they had to stay home for the weekend.  Great.  No problem. I’ve been here before. Nothing I can do about it right? 

During week 3 my oldest son got sick and had to stay home from school for 4 days!  Okay, don’t panic.  Again, I’ve been here before.  No problem.  Around day 3 or 4 his asthma started messing with him.  Thankfully it did not get too bad and resolved on its own.  It took about a solid 4 days.  During the week he was sick, I had to cancel a few doctor appointments.  If you are a mom or a parent who schedules their children’s appointments, you know sometimes it is so hard to get your child in to be seen so you make sure you do everything you can to keep your child as healthy as they can be to avoid rescheduling because that’s often a pain in the butt! 

And a pain in the butt it was!  I had to move 2-3 appointments to the following week, which took me to a total of 5 appointments for that week!  I ended up canceling one because I knew I would be exhausted and tired, and I don’t show up as my best self when I’m that way.  One of the days during that week both of my sons had doctor’s appointments back-to-back (I know what you’re thinking and no, I couldn’t cancel nor reschedule it). After that last appointment for the day, I had to run to the pharmacy with my oldest son to pick up my youngest son’s medication.  I felt like superwoman that day and I didn’t like it.  Yes, I was handling business and getting things done but running to get my son’s medicine was crazy and ghetto.  I was drained. I couldn’t help but keep the song “Superwoman” by Karyn White playing in my head because I’m not your superwoman! Okay well, I really am superwoman, but I just didn’t want to be superwoman that day.  I was done.

Just when I thought things couldn’t get worse, my youngest son’s allergies started messing with him causing him so much discomfort especially at night. This went on for about a week.  Sore throat, coughing, runny nose, sneezing.  Allergies with a side of sinus issues.  Oh, I forgot to mention my children’s father got sick again so the kids had to stay home with me once again.  Okay now, are we done? I mean it can’t get any worse right? WRONG!

Up next, Mommy!  During the last week of February, my allergies started kicking my butt.  I mean I love Spring and all, but she didn’t have to come around here spreading her germs and stuff (pollen).   I mean, her and I are cool, but she could have kept that to herself. 

When it’s allergy season, my allergies show NO mercy at all!  They hit me like a ton of bricks every single time.  I felt miserable.  Sore throat, sneezing, body aches, etc. I’m still recovering.  I’m feeling so much better but not fully back to myself.  So here I am, not feeling well and still doing the mom thing because who else is going to do it?  Like my mom always says, “Thank God for the mothers!”

February wasn’t all that bad.  I got to hang with my boyfriend and his family and watch the Super Bowl game and I had so much fun celebrating Valentine’s Day with my Boo.  But February, you drained me.

Now March, one request. When you come up in here, act like you got some sense!  

Please and thank you!


That one time God found me…


I’m just going to sit back…