Living or survivng…?
…I’d say both.
Throughout the past few years, I have made an effort to stop and smell the roses instead of just walking past them (or even over them). Honestly, living and surviving has gone in waves for me throughout my life. There were times when time stood still and I was able to truly be present. And there were also times when the world was spinning so fast it knocked me off my feet causing me to fall to the ground and land on my face (and my knees in prayer).
If you asked me did I grow up in survival mode I’d say no. Growing up as an only child in a 2 parent (biological parents) household, I was fortunate to not have to go through the things other kids went through. Were my parents perfect? No. There were times when we fell on hard times but one thing’s for certain my parents always made a way. They always made sure I got everything I needed and most things I wanted (blessed, NOT spoiled!). Living.
Fast forward to motherhood, it’s been a constant rollercoaster when it comes to living vs surviving. Life’s been super busy with having two 6-year-olds (yes, twins!) running around and keeping me young and tired. Between homework, parent-teacher conferences, doctors’ appointments, dentist appointments, and many other things (sports coming soon, pray for me!) I often find myself in constant “go mode.” Half of the time I don’t even remember what I had for breakfast in the morning (if I do have breakfast because who has time for that when you got two kids to tend to in the morning?). Surviving.
For me, life is all about finding the balance. While I know it’s totally impossible for me to stay in “living” mode forever, I know realistically for me it is not possible. So now instead of being drained physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, I take time to find the balance in being present, in “living” mode more often because I know how important and healthy it is for me.
Whether it’s going to the lake for an hour, taking a yoga class, or even booking a trip (I highly recommend!), make sure you take time to stop and smell the roses-living, instead of just walking past (or over) the roses without acknowledging them-surviving.