Life got hands…
…and the jabs are pretty quick too! That’s why it’s important to keep your feet planted to the ground, get your dukes up, and protect yourself (as my Dad would say).
Since 2020 I’ve found myself living in the ring and fighting everything life has thrown at me-being a single Mom, raising 2 boys, switching careers, losing relationships, losing family members and so much more…and honestly it took me THE LONGEST to find my rhythm.
Life has thrown quite a few punches (and quite a few them were upper cuts) and most of them were unexpected, but that’s how life is as you may know. Very unpredictable, very hard, very weird, very “not it”, very unfair…but hey! We have no choice but to get up and keep fighting every single day.
For many years, I found myself putting on my gloves early in the morning and taking them off right before bed. Because you know that saying “stay ready so you don’t have to get ready” right? Yeah, that’s how I was living for a LONG time. But the past year and a half I’ve learned a little something about wearing those boxing gloves and being in the ring-you don’t have to live there. You can just get in the ring when you NEED to.
It’s time to put the gloves down and not live in the ring.
It’s not going to be easy but it will be worth it! Worth your peace, your sanity, your love, your health…your LIFE!
Are you ready to get comfortable with being uncomfortable?
Let’s Do This!